
I have known Ken for going on 10 years now, and his agility, speed, and strength have never ceased to amaze me. As the parent of two young children, I have watched Ken deftly whisk one out of the way with his ninja-like reflexes on countless occasions, including a scary incident with a toddler and a glass covered table. While I was closer than he was, his reflexes were faster and he saved my kid from a nasty bump while she toddled away, unknowing of the man standing behind her, holding a table with two fingers, standing on one foot. He had leapt from where he was to the table and caught it before I even had a chance to move. For a moment I just looked at him, the fingers on the table, and the one foot on the ground while the other gracefully stretched behind him. Sort of like a dancer holding a pose. He just grinned, righted the table and went back to whatever it was he was doing. Yeah, he is that good. Another occasion I witnessed Ken’s amazing feats, and feet, was when we were having a party for his baby shower and I was coming in with loads of food and a toddler. Ken, always helpful came out to the car and grabbed the couple cases of wine out of the back and shut the hatch. With his foot… I drive a minivan. I also have to say something about the nurturer in Ken. I am not a very fit lady, I will admit it. But on several occasions Ken and I have talked about my fitness. He did not say, “Yeah, you need to do this and this and this because you’re a fatty,” which is what I have come to expect from personal trainers – especially men. Okay, maybe not... that but that is what it sounds like in my head. Ken proceeded to point out my strengths – and made me feel a bit of a wonder woman. I am totally unused to having physical strengths pointed out to me – in fact it may be the first time in my life I have been told of the power of my body – even as it is now. That is truly a gift. I recommend Ken as a Personal Trainer, a Life coach, a cheerleader and a friend. He’s pretty awesome.

-Sara Keely McGuire, Mother of Two




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