
4 yrs ago I was a girl who hated the notion of working out. All through school I was one of those kids who was picked last for kickball, and exercise still meant fear, judgement, and anxiety. More than anything, it was something I believed I was doomed to fail at. Ken managed to turn that around. He quickly turned my anxiety into passion, and taught me that there is no failure as long as you try - only growth. I began working w/ Ken for his martial arts class. He was able to reach everyone in class, intuitively using different techniques for people w/ different learning styles. He easily helped me overcome my fears and reservations, and soon I was taking two classes from him, rather than one. It didn't take long for me to trust him enough to begin personal training. As a chick w/ self-esteem issues, I can't imagine a more effective personal trainer. Instead of your weaknesses, he highlights your strengths, and uses those to help you do things you never thought possible. He's incredibly knowledgable about the body, and how to build strength and flexibility. Through positive reinforcment and constant challenge, he manages to squeeze every drop you can give into each work out. I cannot recommend Ken highly enough.


-Lauren, Student




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